ios - Facebook Pop fragment from Obj-C into Swift -

working on departed coworkers project. need implement objective-c code facebook pop animation swift. paste in entirety since few lines long. i've looked @ few tutorials being new @ pop , swift has made tricky. how write in swift?

- (void)scaledownview:(uiview *)view {   popspringanimation *scaleanimation = [popspringanimation animationwithpropertynamed:kpoplayerscalexy];   scaleanimation.tovalue = [nsvalue valuewithcgsize:cgsizemake(0.1, 0.1)];   scaleanimation.springbounciness = 6.f;   [view.layer pop_addanimation:scaleanimation forkey:@"scaleanimation"]; } 

i'm assuming you've added bridging header project in question. imported #import <pop/pop.h> in bridging header. you'll have import pop @ top of swift file you'd use below method.

    func scaledownview(view: uiview) {         let scaleanimation = popspringanimation(propertynamed:kpoplayerscalexy)         scaleanimation.tovalue = nsvalue(cgsize: cgsize(width: 0.1, height: 0.1))         scaleanimation.springbounciness = 6.0         view.layer.pop_addanimation(scaleanimation, forkey: "scaleanimation")     } 


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