android - Go to another activity before inserting from gallery -

maybe asked before couldn't find in question.
anyway able insert image gallery. want before inserting image , want go activity , let user add descriptions insert image( instagram when inserting image, when uploading image takes activity insert details)

this code:

public   void opengallery() {     //  intent gallery =   new intent(intent.action_pick,        //;       //startactivityforresult(gallery, pick_image);        intent intent = new intent();       intent.settype("image/*");       intent.setaction(intent.action_get_content);       intent.putextra("crop", "true");       intent.putextra("aspectx", 0);       intent.putextra("aspecty", 0);       intent.putextra("outputx", 200);       intent.putextra("outputy", 150);       intent.putextra("return-data", true);       startactivityforresult(         intent.createchooser(intent, "complete action using"),2);    }          @override        protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {           bundle extras2 = data.getextras();           dbhelper db = new dbhelper(this);           if (extras2 != null) {            bitmap yourimage = extras2.getparcelable("data");            // convert bitmap byte            bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream();            yourimage.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, stream);            byte imageinbyte[] = stream.tobytearray();            log.e("output before conversion", imageinbyte.tostring());            // inserting contacts            log.d("insert: ", "inserting ..");            db.addcontact(new contact("android", imageinbyte));            intent = new intent(mainactivity.this,              mainactivity.class);            startactivity(i);            finish();           }        } 

note : above code lets insert image.

use intent travel description page , on filling description when user clicks submits details, again using intent make them travel select image options.


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