objective c - Property not found on object of type 'UITableViewCell *' -

i getting error while working on xcode project

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {   static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"datetimecell1";   uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:@"cell"];    if (cell == nil)   {     cell = [[uitableviewcell alloc]initwithstyle:uitableviewcellstylesubtitle                                  reuseidentifier:@"cell" ];   }     nsstring *sysdeliverytype=[[jsondata objectatindex:indexpath.row]valueforkey:@"sysord_deliverytype"];   nsstring *sysexpdeliverytime=[[jsondata objectatindex:indexpath.row]valueforkey:@"sysord_expecteddeliverytime"];   nsstring *sysorderdatetime=[[jsondata objectatindex:indexpath.row]valueforkey:@"sysord_orderdatetime"];   nslog(@"%@",sysdeliverytype);   cell.lbldeliverypickup.text=sysdeliverytype;   cell.lblexpdeliverytime.text=sysexpdeliverytime;   cell.lblsysorderplacedtime.text=sysorderdatetime;   return cell; } 

also outlate given error of property not found display in code

you need cast cell datetimecell.

for example: [[(datetimecell *)cell lbldeliverypickup] settext:sysdeliverytype];

the labels try set there not properties of uitableviewcell.


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