ios - How do I resize a constrained imageView, inside a table cell, in swift? -

i have table view controller image view, inside prototype cell, has various size/location constraints on it. want setup programatic view constraints but, because cell built , reloaded within "cellforrowatindexpath" function i'm not sure how set (i'm not sure declare original constraints can update .constant when each cell reloaded).

for coming across this: solution create iboutlet, within uitableviewcell. then, when cell built, within cellforrowatindexpath, call animation:

cell.itemrightspace.constant = 100 cell.item1.layoutifneeded()  uiview.animatewithduration(0.75, delay: 0.3, options: nil, animations: { () -> void in              cell.progress1rightspace.constant = 0             cell.progress1.layoutifneeded()              }) { (isfinished) -> void in }` 


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