c# - Acquire the list of available devices before starting Appium session -

i have remote machine many ios , android devices connected through usb. tests executing on machine , speaking appium server on first machine. tests i'd obtain list of available (connected machine) android , ios devices start appium session , begin tests iterating on devices. i'd appium server do, execute adb devices android , instrumets -s devices ios , return information me. can that? if no, best way information?

yes indeed looks right way go.

you should use devicename desired capability when connecting appium server.

warning: documentation says devicename desired capability available ios devices , ignored android devices. workaround set desired device on appiun start this:

~$ adb devices list of devices attached 30049e9795957100    device ht449w900974    device  ~$ appium -u 30049e9795957100 


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