oracle - PL/SQL - Update multiple rows in the target table from one row in the source table -

this question has answer here:

i'm using merge statement merge 2 tables 1 row in source table may update multiple rows in target table.

it goes bit this

merge table1 using (select emp_code, days_off table2) b on ( = b.emp_code) when matched update set a.days_off = b.days_off; 

however, when attempt this, sql error: ora-30926: unable stable set of rows in source tables

is there other way can this?

i sql error: ora-30926: unable stable set of rows in source tables

because, source table contains duplicate values.

you need add 1 more column uniquely identify each row.

create table source_table (     col1 number,     col2 varchar2(10),     col3 varchar2(10) );  insert source_table (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 'a', 'w'); insert source_table (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 'b', 'x'); insert source_table (col1, col2, col3) values (2, 'c', 'y'); insert source_table (col1, col2, col3) values (3, 'c', 'z');  commit;  create table target_table (     col1 number,     col2 varchar2(10),     col3 varchar2(10) );  insert target_table (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 'b', 'z'); insert target_table (col1, col2, col3) values (3, 'd', 'w');  commit; 

now going merge 2 table.

merge target_table trg using (--actually can write source_table example want write select:)        select col1, col2, col3        source_table        ) src  on (trg.col1 = src.col1) when matched update set --don't forget cannot update columns included in on clause     trg.col2 = src.col2,     trg.col3 = src.col3 when not matched insert     (         col1,         col2,         col3     )     values     (         src.col1,         src.col2,         src.col3     );  commit; 


merge target_table trg using source_table src --now write table name:) on (     trg.col1 = src.col1 ,     trg.col2 = src.col2    ) when matched update set --don't forget cannot update columns included in on clause     trg.col3 = src.col3 when not matched insert     (         col1,         col2,         col3     )     values     (         src.col1,         src.col2,         src.col3     );  commit; 

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