excel - Disable Windows Security Certificate verification pop up window in IE while running VBA script -

i have vba code access specified link , and acquires html text calculation purposes using ie9.

every time when access link, prompted confirm security certificate clicking "ok" in pop window.

i have access link several times, therefore tedious click ok every time. there way automatically without messing ie settings? here code:

set obj = createobject("internetexplorer.application") obj.visible = false tempurl = "https://......." obj.navigate tempurl application.wait now() + timevalue("0:00:00")       ' wait few seconds while obj.busy = true    application.wait now() + timevalue("0:00:01")    doevents loop ' set document set item = obj.document application.wait now() + timevalue("0:00:01") ' document text bodyhtml = item.body.innertext obj.application.quit 

bodyhtml variant.

i need automatically accept certificate. there 1 certificate choose from. maybe there way detect if popup window present , click ok.



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