javascript - Angular JS - My controller function its never return after execute my service script -

the process login user on app working. connecting server , returned 200 status, it's working fine. after service finish task, controller not executing lines:


 loginservice.signin(formdata, function(res) {      console.log('this message never prints');  }); 

does have idea how resolve this? maybe interceptor involved in behavior. here scripts:


'use strict';  var app = angular.module('myapp', [ 'ngroute', 'ngstorage', 'ngcookies', 'myapp.controllers', '' ]);  app.config(['$routeprovider', '$httpprovider', function ($routeprovider, $httpprovider) {      $routeprovider         .when('/', {             templateurl: 'views/logueo.html',             controller: 'logincontroller'         })         .when('/principal', {             templateurl: 'views/principal.html'         })         .otherwise({             redirectto: '/'         }); }]); 


angular.module('myapp.controllers', [])      .controller('logincontroller',          ['$rootscope',          '$scope',          '$http',          '$location',          '$localstorage',          'loginservice',         '$cookies',         function ($rootscope, $scope, $http, $location, $localstorage, loginservice, $cookies) {          $scope.signin = function() {              var formdata = {                 username: $scope.username,                 password: $scope.password             };              loginservice.signin(formdata, function(res) {                  // problem here.                 // not executing rest of lines.                  // usuario incorecto.                 if (res.type == false) {                     console.log("false " +;                  }                  // usuario correcto.                 else {                     window.location = "#/principal.html";                  }              }, function() {                 $rootscope.error = "error en el logueo del usuario";             });         }     }]); 


'use strict';  angular.module('', []) .factory('loginservice', ['$http', '$localstorage', 'tokenstorage',         function ($http, $localstorage, tokenstorage) {         // executing         return {             signin: function(data, success, error) {                  $                         '' + '/login',                          data                     ).success( function (result, status, headers) {                         console.log("logueado");                      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {                         console.log("error. " + data);                     })             }         };      }]); 

you not calling success function passed signin function:

signin: function(data, success, error) {              $                     '' + '/login',                      data                 ).success( function (result, status, headers) {                     success(result);                     console.log("logueado");           'x-auth-token'));                  }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {                     console.log("error. " + data);                 })         } 


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