matlab - How to associate the 'MarkerSize' to a value that means the radius of a plotted circle? -

i have 3 vectors of same length. 2 of them contain x , y coordinates of want plot. third 1 contains values want associate radius of plotted circle.

i have read 'markersize' in plot corresponds number of points in circumference, , if want use scatter, third vector corresponds area of plotted circle.

nonetheless, want third vector associated radius

as such, how associate size of circles radius?

i have using plot:

hold on; nd = 1 : 24     plot(xl(nd), -yl(nd), 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'g', 'markeredgecolor', 'k', 'markersize', attribute(nd)) end 

and using scatter:

hold on; nd = 1 : 24         scatter(xl(nd), -yl(nd), attribute(nd), 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'k', 'markeredgecolor', 'k') end 

thanks in advance help.

assuming want use markersize attribute plot, said, number reports circumference of plotted marker in pixels.

well, know there's relationship between circumference of circle , radius:

source: math fun

therefore, circumference of circle equal pi multiplied diameter, twice radius... so:

c = 2*pi*r 

c markersize attribute. so, given radius, multiply 2*pi desired circumference. bear in mind above computation yield floating point values, either take floor, take ceil or round desired effect.

in other words, attribute vector, assuming reporting radius:

attribute = floor(2*pi*attribute); 

now use markersize , plot.

on other hand, if want use scatter... know there's relationship between area of circle , radius:

source: wikihow

therefore, given radius, square radius , multiply pi area, use third parameter scatter... again, accounting floating-point precision:

attribute = floor(pi*attribute.^2); 

you can use scatter.


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