javascript - React Native AnimationExperimental callback? -

i've been playing around react native , animations , run animations in serial or chain animations together. there promise or callback fires when animation finished? have far:

animationexperimental.startanimation({     node: this.refs['this'],     duration: 500,     easing: 'easeinoutcubic',     property: 'scalexy',     tovalue: [2,2],     callback: () => {  // doesn't work idea.         console.log("callback called!");     } }); 


i found out animationexperimental has been deprecated. facebook working on different animations library should land soon. can check out react-native-gsap library if can't wait facebook or aminationexerimental doesn't work you

the callback second parameter:

animationexperimental.startanimation({     node: this.refs['this'],     duration: 500,     easing: 'easeinoutcubic',     property: 'scalexy',     tovalue: [2,2] }, () => {         console.log("callback called!"); }); 


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