arrays - Need to write a C Program to remove repeated characters adjacent to each other -

i need remove repeated characters adjacent each other.

example: if input "heeellooo wooorllldd", output should "helo world". output getting "helo wrd".

this code have.

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>  main() {     char str[]="heeello wooorld";     redundant(str); }  void redundant(char *str) {     int check=0;     int i,j;     char ch;      while(str[check])      {         ch = str[check];         = j = check + 1;          while(str[i])          {             if(str[i] != ch)              {                 str[j] = str[i];                 j++;              }              i++;          }          str[j]='\0';         check++;     }      printf("string after removing duplicates : %s\n",str); }  

i looking minimalistic solution. fun.

void redundant(char *str) {     int lastch = -1;         /* last read character */     char* inpp = str;        /* pointer input location */     char* outp = str;        /* pointer output location */     while (*inpp != '\0') {         if (*inpp != lastch) {             *outp++ = lastch = *inpp;         }         inpp++;     }     *outp = '\0';     printf("string after removing duplicates : %s\n", str); }   


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