angularjs - Share the scope with angular ui router -

how can share scope angular ui router ? tried :

angular.module('myapp').controller('detailctrl', ['$scope',     function($scope) {  $scope.test=$scope.$;   angular   .module('myapp', ['nganimate', 'ngcookies', 'ngresource'                   , 'ui.router', 'ngsanitize', 'ngtouch'])   .config ($stateprovider) ->     $stateprovider.state('home',       url: "/"       templateurl: "home.html"     ).state('services',       url: "/services"       templateurl: "services.html"     ).state('services.detail',       url: "/detail/"       templateurl: "detail.html"     ) 

in servicesctrl :

$ = getservices.query(); 


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