symfony - How to set symfony2 flash message in diferente Aplication Context? -

i have application frontend(sales) , backend(administration), want set flash messages separated context, because when i'm login in both context i'm received in backend messages belong frontend, , don't want it.

sorry english i'm not english speaker. king regards

if using sessions flash bag need use different names when adding message. example use following admin messages:

// in controller $this->get('session')->getflashbag()   ->add('admin_error','no user found email address');  .........................................................  {# in template #} {% flashmessage in app.session.flashbag.get('admin_error') %}   <div class="error-message">{{ flashmessage }}</div> {% endfor %} 

then same thing in public controllers/templates replace 'admin_error' 'public_error'.


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