r - gpclibPermit() is FALSE, cannot install gpclib -

i have similar problem user, how turn gpclibpermit() true

solution install gpclib, error

> install.packages("gpclib") package available in source form, , may need compilation of c/c++/fortran:   ‘gpclib’   these not installed 

then download gpclib_1.5-5.tar.gz http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gpclib/index.html , extract library folder, i.e d:\r\r-3.2.0\library.

when execute following, still errors:

> install.packages("gpclib") package available in source form, , may need compilation of c/c++/fortran:   ‘gpclib’   these not installed > gpclibpermitstatus() [1] false 



i tried

> install.packages("d:/r/gpclib_1.5-5.tar.gz", repos = null, type = "source") 

and got error

* installing *source* package 'gpclib' ... ** package 'gpclib' unpacked , md5 sums checked ** libs  *** arch - i386 warning: running command 'make -f "d:/r/r-3.2.0/etc/i386/makeconf" -f "d:/r/r-3.2.0/share/make/winshlib.mk" shlib="gpclib.dll" objects="rgpc.o gpc.o"' had status 127 error: compilation failed package 'gpclib' * removing 'd:/r/r-3.2.0/library/gpclib' warning in install.packages :   running command '"d:/r/r-3.2.0/bin/x64/r" cmd install -l "d:\r\r-3.2.0\library" "d:/r/gpclib_1.5-5.tar.gz"' had status 1 warning in install.packages :   installation of package ‘d:/r/gpclib_1.5-5.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status 

"extract[ing] library folder" not correct way install source package (the .tar.gz downloaded). inside r execute

install.packages(path_to_file, repos = null, type="source") 

more details , approaches can found @ how install r package source?


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