c# - Change Content-Disposition to open all image file files in a new tab -

here's logic downloading file.

it automatically downloads file, whether it's .jpg, .pdf, .zip or whatever, open in new tab if it's image file(jpg, png, etc.) , else prompts download.

i feel i'm missing when comes solving this. :/

public void downloadarchivedfiles(archivetype type, object id, string filename)     {         response.contenttype = "application/zip";         response.addheader("content-disposition", "filename=" + filename);          string path = server.mappath(string.format("~/{0}files/{1}", type, id));         var fmfiles = new string[0];         var files=new string[0];         if(type==archivetype.issue)         {              fmfiles = _files.getissuefiles(new guid(id.tostring())).select(x => server.mappath("~" + x.filepath)).toarray();         }else if(type==archivetype.task)         {             fmfiles = _files.gettaskfiles(int.parse(id.tostring())).select(x => server.mappath("~" + x.filepath)).toarray();         }         if (!system.io.directory.exists(path) && !fmfiles.any()) return;          //string[] files = system.io.directory.getfiles(server.mappath(string.format("~/{0}files/{1}", type, id)));         try         {             files = system.io.directory.getfiles(server.mappath(string.format("~/{0}files/{1}", type, id)));         }         catch (exception)         {             ;         }          using (zipfile zip = new zipfile())         {             zip.addfiles(files, "/");             if(fmfiles.any())             zip.addfiles(fmfiles,"/");             zip.save(response.outputstream);         }         httpcontext.response.end();     } 

you can't open new tab providing header in response. it's late. time response being generated, browser trying response stream same tab, , old document may have been unloaded.

instead, need change way request sent. specifically, link image must have _target="blank" attribute. tells browser open new tab (or window, depending on user's browser settings) , request image there. don't need special response headers @ point.

you should avoid target="blank" downloadable files (e.g. pdfs). it'll work ok on browsers, on others you'll end unsightly zombie tabs.


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