java - Hibernate Tutorial - Where to put Mapping File? -

i following interesting tutorial on hibernate here:

this tutorial, however, neglects mention put these files. using folder structure of basic maven project.

the folder structure follows:

foo  |  |-> src       |       |-> main            |  |           |  |-> java            |        |           |        |-> org            |             |           |             |-> me           |                 |           |                 |-> bar           |                     |           |                  [all java source-files here]            |            |-> resources                |   |                |   |-> hiber                |         |                 |         employee.hbm.xml                |               hibernate.cfg.xml 

the folder main has java , resources @ same level if not obvious ascii art.

where should mapping file (employee.hbm.xml) go? file referenced in configuration file (hibernate.cfg.xml).

thank-you reading this.


you should put "hibernate.cfg.xml" under "/src/main/resources" should put model-mapping files under same directory define pojo model classes.

according directory structure you've provided, should like;

foo  |  |-> src       |       |-> main            |  |           |  |-> java            |        |           |        |-> org            |             |           |             |-> me           |                 |           |                 |-> bar           |                     |           |                  [all yourjava model source-files here]            |                   |                  employee.hbm.xml           |                   |                  customer.hbm.xml           |           |           |-> resources                      |                |                |                |                |             hibernate.cfg.xml 

and should reference/map model files in hibernate.cfg.xml file below;

    <mapping resource="org/me/bar/employee.hbm.xml"/>     <mapping resource="org/me/bar/customer.hbm.xml"/> 

you can check out, capture of project folder;

enter image description here


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