ios - Transfer data from WKInterfaceTable to another WKInterfaceController -
i not familiar transferring or passing data between 2 wkinterfacecontroller
in apple watch. trying , have variable name
, age
in secondinterfacecontroller
need pass value them wkinterfacetable
when user tap row . here code :
- (void)table:(wkinterfacetable *)table didselectrowatindex:(nsinteger)rowindex { nsstring *name; nsstring *age; switch (rowindex) { case 0: name = @"jack"; age = @"22"; break; default: break; } nsdictionary *d = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:name forkey:@"kname"]; [self pushcontrollerwithname:@"secondinterfacecontroller" context:d]; }
but don't know how can access dictionary secondintefacecontroller , pass _name (wkinterfacelable) .
when push secondinterfacecontroller
have awakewithcontext:
called on , context
parameter dictionary passed. can pull name value out of context dictionary , assign label.
- (void)awakewithcontext:(id)context { nsdictionary *dict = (nsdictionary *)context; [_name settext:dict[@"kname"]]; }
you can pass multiple values adding multiple keys , values dictionary.
nsdictionary *d = @{@"kname" : name, @"kage" : age}; [self pushcontrollerwithname:@"secondinterfacecontroller" context:d];
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