multithreading - construction of thread using lambda expression -

can explain thread created on lambda function below? technique used? can recommend reference understand semantics?

i posted full code now:

class threadpool { public:     threadpool(size_t);     template<class f, class... args>     auto enqueue(f&& f, args&&... args)         ->std::future<typename std::result_of<f(args...)>::type>;     ~threadpool(); private:     // need keep track of threads can join them     std::vector< std::thread > workers_m;     // task queue     std::queue< std::function<void()> > tasks_m;      // synchronization     std::mutex queue_mutex_m;     std::condition_variable condition_m;     bool stop_m; };  // constructor launches amount of workers inline threadpool::threadpool(size_t threads)     : stop_m(false) {     std::thread::id id = std::this_thread::get_id();     (size_t = 0; < threads; ++i)     {         workers_m.emplace_back(             [this]         {             (;;)             {                 std::function<void()> task;                 {                     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this-    >queue_mutex_m);                     std::thread::id id1 = std::this_thread::get_id();                     this->condition_m.wait(lock, [this]{ return this->stop_m || !this->tasks_m.empty(); });                     std::thread::id id = std::this_thread::get_id();                     if (this->stop_m && this->tasks_m.empty())                         return;                     task = std::move(this->tasks_m.front());                     this->tasks_m.pop();                 }                 task();             }         }         );     } } 

threadpools constructor using emplace_back function of std::vector construct std::thread of workers_m variable. emplace_back differs push_back in directly constructs element type forwarding parameters passed constructor of element type (std::thread). push_back, on other hand, requires either lvalue or temporary element type , appropriately copy or move of vector.

threadpool's constructor in loop create appropriate amount of worker threads, specified constructor argument (threads). 1 of std::threads constructors takes callable , number of arguments , run function on corresponding thread. in case, lambda being passed in used construct thread run long necessary (given for(;;) ), acquire mutex grant exclusive access task queue , , use condition variable wait until either stop flag set, or until there available in queue.

once condition variable notified , 1 of 2 conditions true, thread can continue. however, of 2 conditions true not known, hence check

if (this->stop_m && this->tasks_m.empty())                     return; 

which seems bit flawed though, because if stop_m set worker threads should stop processing tasks, if queue still contains tasks do. check fire of both conditions true.

if above check false, thread std::moves task out of queue, pop()s it, , releases mutex held unique_lock due lock's destructor. thread executes task calling it. process repeated, due for(;;) loop


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