soap client - PHP SoapClient - how to get request to server and response -
i try create script communication ws-security
(for first time) in php:
require ('wssoapclient.php'); $soapclient = new wssoapclient(''); $soapclient->__setusernametoken('username', 'password'); $params = array('katastruzemikod'=>693936, 'kmenovecislo'=>1385); $response = $soapclient->__soapcall('najdiparcelu', $params); var_dump($response);
and script failed:
php fatal error: uncaught soapfault exception: [wsse:invalidsecurity] error on verifying message against security policy error code:1000 in /home/jura/bin/wssoapclient.php:75
is way see, script sent server , response?
the problem $soapclient->__setusernametoken('username', 'password') function expecting 3rd parameter of either 'passworddigest' or 'passwordtext'.
this badly handled in wssoapclient class. should throw exception if passwordtype argument missing. tries this:
// $this->generatewssecurityheader() returns empty string if 3rd parameter missing. $this->__setsoapheaders($this->generatewssecurityheader());
if php in strict mode mine these warnings:
php warning: soapclient::__setsoapheaders(): invalid soap header...
warning: soapclient::__setsoapheaders(): invalid soap header...
you need figure out password type , pass 3rd argument in setusernametoken() function.
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