java - Parse list of complex JSON objects using Jackson -

i have list of json objects like:

[   {     "id": "a",     "objs": [       { "obj1": 1 },       { "obj2": 0 },     ]   },   {     "id": "a",     "objs": [       { "obj1": 1 },       { "obj2": 0 },     ]   } ] 

and load them list of myobj:

class myobj {   private final string id;   private final hashmap<string, integer> objs;    // constructors, etc. here... }  arraylist<myobj> list; 

is there smart way using jackson objectmapper or other bindings; i.e., minimal boilerplate code? without hashmap simple matter of:

list = mapper.readvalue(file, new typereference<arraylist<myobj>>() {}); 

but hashmap pretty seems kill that. ideas?

first of need model class json. should write own parser reading data array (map, list, etc.). jackson.

small example old project.

model class:

package ru.model;  import javax.persistence.*; import; import; import java.text.parseexception; import java.text.simpledateformat; import; import java.util.locale;  public class entry implements serializable {     private static final long serialversionid = 8201337883209943936l;      private integer primary_id;     private integer id;     private string description;     private integer votes;     private string author;     private date date;     private string gifurl;     private string previewurl;     private string embedid;     private string type;  //  getters , setters } 

example of parser:

public static list<entry> getallentries(string jsonstring) {             list<entry> entries = new arraylist<entry>();                                        try {             if (jsonstring.length() == 0) {                 throw new exception("empty json!");             }         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         objectmapper objectmapper = new objectmapper();          try {             jsonnode rootnode = objectmapper.readtree(jsonstring);             jsonnode resultnode = rootnode.findpath("result"); // choose concrete element in json array             if (resultnode.size() > 0) {                 (int = 0; < resultnode.size(); i++) {                     entries.add(objectmapper.readvalue(resultnode.get(i).tostring(), entry.class));                 }             }         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     return entries; } 

example of json:

{"result": [ {"id":94, "description":"description111", "votes":1, "author":"sashvd", "date":"mar 15, 2013 4:09:03 pm", "gifurl":"http://-..", "previewurl":"http://.."} ], "totalcount":88} } 


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