tsql - How to Create a Recommended Test Planning in SQL Server -

make lots of different test specific stored procedure named 'sp_test' in order review if retrieving same data based on data input.

if have made lots of changes in stored stored 'sp_test' , need make validation if sp works before using in production phase. need make lot of test. there @ least 20 different test. code below simplified version.

have recommended solution or approach how create it? request retrieve table display column testnumber, parameter , result. (the column result displays 'passed' or failed)

the testlist below.

i see approach same way tdd.


test list

test number 1:
parameter 'science'
hit: 5 rows
hit correct answer sp

test number 2:
parameter 'programming'
hit: 1 row
hit correct answer sp

test number 3:
parameter 'computers'
hit: 2 row
hit correct answer sp

test number 4:
parameter 'business'
hit: 1 row , bookid = 6
hit 1 correct , review if bookid 6 correct answer sp

create table [dbo].[books](     [bookid] [int] identity(1,1) not null,     [bookname] [varchar](50) null,     [category] [varchar](50) null,     [price] [numeric](18, 2) null,     [price_range] [varchar](20) null,     primary key clustered ( [bookid] asc ) ) on [primary]   insert dbo.books      (bookname, category, price, price_range) values       ('computer architecture', 'computers', 125.6, '100-150'),     ('advanced composite materials', 'science', 172.56, '150-200'),     ('asp.net 4 blue book', 'programming', 56.00, '50-100'),     ('strategies unplugged', 'science', 99.99, '50-100'),     ('teaching science', 'science', 164.10, '150-200'),     ('challenging times', 'business', 150.70, '150-200'),     ('circuit bending', 'science', 112.00, '100-150'),     ('popular science', 'science', 210.40, '200-250'),     ('adobe premiere', 'computers', 62.20, '50-100')  --------------  create procedure sp_test      @test nvarchar(50)       set nocount on;      select         [bookid],         [bookname],         [category],         [price],         [price_range]     [dbo].[books]     [category] = @test  go 

are trying specific test framework, tsqlt / redgate sql test / vs unit tests / dbfit? or implementing yourself?

if doing manually, 1 option test config table parameter input values , expected output, dynamically execute (sp_executesql) procedure using table values inputs, followed capturing , comparing outputs.


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