c - I am trying to read a file and to show the reading progress in %. I have tried following code but I am not able to divide in chunks & show progress -

i trying read file , show reading progress in percentage. have tried out following code not able divide in chunks , show progress. how should show progress?

    printf("file contains %ld bytes!\n", fsize);      buf = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*fsize);     if (buf == null) {         printf("memory error!\n");         return 2;     }     else {         printf("allocating memory!\n");          bytes_read = fread(buf, 1, fsize, pf);          printf("number of bytes read %1d",bytes_read); 

here's rough draft, illustrate replacing 1 fread() use:

size_t numtoread = fsize; char* bufptr = &buf[0]; while ( numtoread > 0 ) {     int percentdone = 0;     size_t numsuccessful = fread( bufptr, 1, 10000, pf ); // choose size     bufptr += numsuccessful;     numtoread -= numsuccessful;     percentdone = ( 100 * ( fsize - numtoread ) / fsize );     // display percentage } 

disclaimer: have not compiled snippet, please forgive typos.


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