PHP exception handling doesn't work properly -

i'm using php exceptions many try/catch blocks , works fine, except in 1 specific snippet.

see codes below:


<?php namespace controller;  use business\exceptions\appexception; use business\ota\responses\erros\rs_error; use utils\merge;  class controller{     //other methods      public main(){         //do stuff         $resp = $this->merge($con)     }      private function merge($con)     {         try {             $merge = new merge($this->record, $con);             $merge->sortresponses();             return $merge->searchresponse;         } catch (appexception $ex){             $response = new rs_error($this->client);             echo ($response);         }    } } 

merge.class (simplified)

<?php namespace utils;  use business\exceptions\appexception; use exception;  class merge {      public $responses;              public $conectors;     public $searchresponse;      /**      * method __construct      * @param array $conectorresponses       * @param $conectors       * @throws \business\exceptions\appexception      */     public function __construct(array $conectorresponses, $conectors)     {         $this->responses = $conectorresponses;         $this->conectors = $conectors;         $this->searchresponse = array();         if (empty($this->responses)) {             $ex = new appexception("search not found", '11');             throw $ex;         }     } 

when run code , call merge constructor, when $this->responses empty, exception thrown, not catched in controller , see notice

php notice: trying property of non-object in /var/www/ws-test/app/controller/controller.class.php on line 96

refers line return $merge->searchresponse;

when debug code, can use breakpoint in throw $ex, not catched. doing wrong? why exception ignored?

i see similar questions here in so, describe same problem.

something not correct in code:

$this->searchresponse = array(); 

then return empty array:

return $merge->searchresponse; 

perhaps meant:

return $merge->responses; 

to make sure catch exception, catch custom ones first add exception on last catch block:

try {    //code } catch (appexception $ex){     $response = new rs_error($this->client);     echo ($response); }catch (exception $e){     var_dump($e); } 


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