java - Drop-down is not working properly in IE11? -

in page there select box drop down. select box drop down getting displayed in ie8. in ie11, if selecting option apart first one, whole select box option getting moved in page. in ie11, if option 2 selected, select options getting moved up. in ie8, if option 2 selected, select options getting displayed properly. please let me know fix select options displayed in same manner in ie8.

mentioned select tag code reference:

 <select name="<%=addpromisescontrol.mode%><%=i%>"             style="font-face: arial; font-size: 8pt"              <%=iserror ? "style='background-color:yellow';"                        :"style='background-color:white';"%> >          <%              l1=modecodehome.singleton().findall();             options = l1.iterator();             while (options.hasnext()) {                 code value = (code);                 string select = value.equals(promise.getmode()) ? "selected" : "";         %>         <option value="<%=value.getcode()%>" <%=select%>><%=value.getcode()%></option>         <%             }          %>          </select> 


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