Which event is called when iOS app is swiped from app switcher? -

i wondering event in appdelegate called when swipe out running app within app switcher? target ios >= 7.0 (i.e. multitasking support).

maybe don't understand multitasking paradigm itself... when swipe out app within app switcher, app going terminated, right? or continue running in background?

edit-1: why asking: during startup of app, connect linux game server plain sockets. want disconnect socket when app terminates.

edit-2: not sure if using background execution. register network socket within run-loop object asynchronously receive inputs server socket. have kind of network service installed periodically tests network connectivity. service using scnetworkreachabilityschedulewithrunloop.

there situations applicationwillterminate: called , not.

more can read apple documentation here


for apps not support background execution or linked against ios 3.x or earlier, method called when user quits app. apps support background execution, method not called when user quits app because app moves background in case. however, method may called in situations app running in background (not suspended) , system needs terminate reason.

what's interesting note

after calling method, app posts uiapplicationwillterminatenotification notification give interested objects chance respond transition.


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