python - How to refer to the curve_fit() (method, function?) of scipy.optimize -

the use of scipy.optimize.curve_fit() has been important in current (astrophysics-related) research project. i'm working on publication want make reference scipy.optimize.curve_fit() in paper. current draft of paper refers curve_fit() follows

...are fit using curve_fit() function in optimize module of scipy.

i want make sure use of words "function" , "module" correct. still learning structure of modules, methods, , functions in python , wanted make sure referring them correctly.

bonus: scipy website's citation guidelines state:

for specific algorithm, consider citing original author’s paper (this can found under “references” section of docstring).

as far can tell, curve_fit() has no references specified in docstring, , neither leastsq() relies on heavily. planning on citing general scipy library (as specified in citation guidelines on website) rather specific guideline. there more specific reference can point me to?

the notes in scipy reference curve_fit() indicate uses levenberg-marquardt algorithm through leastsq(). notes under leastsq wrapper around minpack's lmdif , lmder algorithms. under scipy.optimize.root() mentions levenberg-marquardt implementation in minpack, , points to: more, jorge j., burton s. garbow, , kenneth e. hillstrom. 1980. user guide minpack-1. (r102 in scipy 0.13.0 reference guide bibliography).


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