skmaps - Request downloads late delegation -


so have table view, cells start offline maps download once tapped so:

let map: sktdownloadobjecthelper =  sktdownloadobjecthelper.downloadobjecthelperwithsktpackage(package) as! sktdownloadobjecthelper sktdownloadmanager.sharedinstance().requestdownloads([map], startautomatically: true, withdelegate: self, withdatasource: self) 

i define current table view controller delegate download request. have sktdownloadmanagerdelegatemethods implemented so, updating on progress works fine. however, if go 1 step in table view hierarchy, table view controller gets thrown off stack , delegate.

so question simple: how can i, once reenter view download progress shown, "re wire" download controller?

it's friday... please forgive me. it's in sktdownloadmanager. looked in every other class definition, one.

sktdownloadmanager.sharedinstance().downloaddelegate = self 


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