ios - Parse Push Notifications come through inconsistently -

(note question different parse push notification questions because pushes are working, inconsistently within same hour. not duplicate of similar questions inconsistency in receiving push notification .)

i've been using parse several projects year now, , whole time, i've observed push notifications go through inconsistently ios.

my questions are,

  1. what's going on?
  2. is there can it?
  3. is issue parse, or encounter same issues using method of sending push notification requests apple?

eg, morning noticed daily push notification supposed come in yesterday never did. investigate problem, attempted generate push notification using button in app calls parse cloud code function triggers push notification sent.

i did few times on few minutes, , confirmed using parse site parse app sent push notification , parse considers have been successful.

but no push came through ipad. has happened before in same way many times -- it's there periods of time when pushes never go through; come through 15 minutes later, though didn't happen morning -- gone , never delivered.

i tried using parse site manually send push same exact user installation, , worked fine; took "where" , "data" json sections sent (but never received) pushes, , pasted them curl commandline push command, proper application , rest api ids. worked , instantly, , showed instantly , on ipad.

after that, push request within app seemed work fine!

so there doesn't appear issue app -- both successful , unsuccessful push attempts looked same parse servers, @ least according push notifications web gui...

it's if there inconsistent behavior after push request initiated parse , sent apple. on parse's end or on apple's end.

what's strange seems though able temporarily fix problem using other methods parse send push notifications device. it's if on parse or apple's end, there setting or cache blocking device receiving pushes following pattern, , breaking pattern , getting different push go through, pushes following pattern of original pushes go through fine.

screenshot parse app page. pushes never arrived on device @ 10:06 , 10:09. pushes @ 10:14 , later came through fine: pushes never arrived on device @ 10:06 , 10:09. pushes @ 10:14 , later came through fine.

detail of 10:09 push, initiated via app, failed arrive on phone: detail of 10:09 push, failed arrive on phone

detail of 10:21 push, initiated via curl commandline, appeared on phone fine. note inclusion of devicetype: detail of 10:21 push, appeared on phone fine

detail of 10:22 push, initiated via app, appeared on phone fine: detail of 10:22 push, initiated via app, appeared on phone fine

from description, might wonder if push merely came through fast didn't have chance see before leaving app; or perhaps might have arrived in app during last split second of being in foreground on ipad. coded push request in app not submit request until leave app using home button or device power button. have confirmed multiple times functionality works -- push not arriving while app in foreground, should appear on lockscreen or banner @ top of screen , in notifications drawer.

my list of possible explanations:

  1. requests formatted differently: no, examine successful , unsuccessful push , data sections; parse has processed these requests same way, there seems no difference in formatting
  2. requests different packet/payload sizes, , larger size being rejected apple: @ requests according parse above; content identical. (i have of course seen larger data payload pushes rejected.)
  3. connectivity on client side not consistent: possible, unlikely here. ipad has no cellular data, wifi, signal strong , consistent, , other internet functions worked within same minute each of these requests.
  4. parse behaving inconsistently during different times, outside control, , showing no signs of in app web gui: seems possible. why, then, seem though have power fix functionality getting differently formed pushes go through?
  5. parse behaving inconsistently , have control, though undocumented , due software and/or architecture bugs: decent guess.
  6. apple behaving inconsistently during different times, outside control, , showing no signs of in app web gui: seems possible. why, then, seem though have power fix functionality getting differently formed pushes go through?
  7. apple behaving inconsistently , have control, though undocumented , due software and/or architecture bugs: decent guess.

any other ideas of possible explanations welcome!

i'd love know if others have observed sort of behavior.

edit 2015-06-23:

to clarify, these silent push notifications.

pushes deliver 100% of time device unplugged, if have been working in last hour or so. , have witnessed them not coming through when device plugged in many, many times. behavior seems have been same before ios 8 , in present day, ios 8.3.

this has been observed on multiple devices, both ipads , iphones.

edit 2015-06-30:

parse's developer support mvp, hector ramos, responded post of same question on facebook bug submission site. says sounds him behavior have seen in past on apple's part. there still aspects of confusing, whether or not there's can or parse can it...


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