reactjs - Attempting to test a React component with jasmine-react -

this question similar one of solutions question.

i'm using example similar real problem nicely distilled.

the following test produces result:

warning: comp.type deprecated. use comp directly access class.   error: expected spy, got undefined. 

the test:

it("should call plop method on render", function(){        var comp = react.createclass({          displayname: "comp",          plop: function() {           console.log("plop");         },          render: function() {           this.plop();           return (<div></div>);         }       });         //spy on method       jasminereact.spyonclass(comp, "plop");       jasminereact.render(<comp />);       expect(comp.plop).tohavebeencalled();     }) 

any idea i'm doing wrong?

jasminereact's syntax method expectations different way you're using it. try this:


additionally, if you're running expectation against state, need use instance render returns, rather class:

var comp = jasminereact.render(<comp />);  expect(comp.state.something).tobe('else'); 


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