centos6.5 - install errors on astrisknow 6.12-64bit on vmware workstation 8 -

i'm using asterisk , trying implement test environment testing asterisk functionalities on vm. i'm using vmware workstation 8 , trying install asterisknow 6.12-64 bit vi iso downloaded following location.


now i'm stuck in middle of:

installing vmware tools,please wait... mount : special device /dev/hda not exist mount : block device /dev/sr0 write-protected, mounting read only

after forever waiting.

this taking long , never ending. tried install several times , result same. noticed starting install following error displayed, lets continue:

unsupported hardware detected.

this hardware (or combination thereof ) not supported centos. {note i'm using typical vm in vmware}

i tried browsing google solution couldn't find solution. please , let me know if best way start asterisk.

looks trying install vmware tools vm. vmware tools optional , used convinience only.

try searching setting disable this.


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