sql - How fatal is the maximum execution timeout warning in MySQL -

been working xamp installed under year. installed few frontend software mysql (to see 1 comfortable most).

now, past 2 days, whenever go localhost/phpmysql, receive warning

fatal error: maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\xampp\phpmyadmin\lib.. 

enter image description here

i understand maximum execution time required execute being exceeded here. found few post on stackoverflow guides rectification. , till here.

i have question , concern.


why of sudden error when, remember, did nothing upset default settings of mysql?


i working on project uses database (important, cannot loose it), phpmyadmin when refreshed after warning starts work there never problem. i'll need couple of week done project. can continue timeout error without risking database or should try , rectify right away?

dcoder answer good, try change maximium execution time in mysql server, also, can try find query making noise using slow-query-log (you can activate , useful in case of messy querys).

check page more information

if you're using mysql on windows environments, suggest put on linux server, because it's lots slower on windows.

about concern, there no real danger data, , changing slow-query-log option or maximum-execution-time option doesn't compromise databases... backup before change anything, security.


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