javascript - Access the element inner html and attribute values inside controller function -

html content as,

<div ng-controller="logctrl">   <ul>     <li ng-click="logme" someattr="hello ricky">hello martin</li>   </ul> </div> 

javascript content as,

var app = angular.module('app',  []); app.controller('logctrl',  function ($scope, $element) {   $scope.logme = function(){     console.log("html content " + /*---- how can print $element's inner html text here --- */)     console.log("attribute value " + /*---- how can read li element's someattr value here --- */)   } }) 

this must print message in console (when user clicks mouse),

html content hello martin attribute value hello ricky 



 <li ng-click="logme($event)" someattr="hello ricky">hello martin</li> 


$scope.logme = function(e){     var; } 


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