- TFS Build error: The type or namespace name 'controls_XXXXX_ascx' does not exist in the namespace 'ASP' -

i getting following error during tfs build process:

c:\builds\7\xxxx\ci\src\xxxxx\xxxx.xxxx.application\controls\xxxxxx_xxxx.ascx.cs (65): type or namespace name 'controls_xxxxxx_ascx' not exist in namespace 'asp' (are missing assembly reference?)

i suspect following line of code not being handled during build process:

((asp.controls_xxxxxx_ascx)this.parent.parent.parent.findcontrol("xxxxxx")).visible = true; 

the project gets compiled without issues, have made sure checked in, , workspace in complete sync source control.

i tried compiling project both in debug , release modes in development environment compiled , built both times. however, failing on build server above error.

i found issue cyclic reference in user controls. means, user control in "folder a" referencing user control existing in "folder b", , control in "folder b" referring same/ different control existing in "folder a". resulting cyclic reference of dlls in website application.


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