node.js - NodeJS - Mongoose document embedding -

i trying practice mongoose , node js, want use comment schema in article schema , when run server, throws error this:

invalid value schema array path comments

here comment model

module.exports = function( mongoose ) {      var schema = mongoose.schema;      var commentschema = new schema({         text: string,         author: string,         createdate: {             type: date,             default:         }     });      console.log("********");         console.log(commentschema);     console.log("********");      mongoose.model( 'comment', commentschema); }; 

and article model:

module.exports = function(mongoose){     var schema = mongoose.schema;     var comment = require("./comment");      console.log("--------");     console.log(mongoose);     console.log("--------");      var articleschema = new schema({         title: string,         content: string,         author: string,         comments: [comment.schema],         createdate: {             type: date,             default:         }     });     mongoose.model('article', articleschema); }; 

they in same folder called "models".

and app.js show bindings:

var express = require('express'); var morgan = require("morgan"); var methodoverride = require("method-override"); var utils = require("./lib/utils"); var config = require("config"); var bodyparser = require('body-parser'); var app = express(); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var mongooseconnection = utils.connecttodatabase(mongoose, config.db); var routes = require('./routes/index'); var users = require('./routes/users');  var app = express();  // view engine setup app.set("port", process.env.port || 3000);  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use(morgan('dev')); app.use(bodyparser()); app.use(methodoverride());  app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); app.set('view engine', 'jade'); app.set('view options', { layout: true});  require("./controllers/articlecontroller")(app, mongooseconnection); require("./controllers/commentcontroller")(app, mongooseconnection); require("./controllers/indexcontroller")(app, mongooseconnection);  require("./models/article")(mongooseconnection); require("./models/comment")(mongooseconnection); require("./models/user")(mongooseconnection);  app.listen(app.get("port"), function(){     console.log("express server listening on port" + app.get("port")); }); 


at ./models/article.js variable comment function (you should invoking parenthesis passing mongoose variable), instead of comment model:

module.exports = function(mongoose){     // code ..      var comment = require("./comment");      // code .. }; 

and if execute function above passing mongoose variable @ ./models/comments.js in function, returning nothing:

module.exports = function( mongoose ) {     // code ..      mongoose.model( 'comment', commentschema); }; 

so try example created below.

comment model @ ./models/comment.js:

module.exports = function (mongoose) {   var commentschema = new mongoose.schema({     text: string,     author: string,     createdate: {type: date, default:}   });    return mongoose.model('comment', commentschema); }; 

article model @ ./models/article.js:

module.exports = function (mongoose) {   var comment = require('./comment')(mongoose);    var articleschema = new mongoose.schema({     title: string,     content: string,     author: string,     comments: [comment.schema],     createdate: {type: date, default:}   });    return mongoose.model('article', articleschema); }; 

main file @ ./app.js:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');  mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/mongoose_sky');  var article = require('./models/article.js')(mongoose);  var article = new article({   title: 'my article',   content: 'this awesome article',   author: 'wilson',   comments: [     {       text: 'hey article great',       author: 'doug'     },     {       text: 'hillarious!',       author: 'john'     }   ] }); (err) {   if (!err) {     console.log('article saved');     console.log(article);   } }); 


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