jquery - TypeError: $.Dialog is not a function -

i trying perform search functionality in twitter-based backbone.js app. when click search button , error appear in web console of browser :"typeerror: $.dialog not function" , not know reason. note:everything during fetching operation of results twitter api ok problem in displaying of results in dialog , problem appears when build app requirejs..without requirejs problem not appear. here code(the code beginning backbone.js book):

search model:

 define(['backbone'], function(backbone) {   var com = com || {};  com.apress = com.apress || {};  com.apress.model = com.apress.model || {};    com.apress.model.search = backbone.model.extend({     url : 'http://localhost:8080/search',     sync: function(method, model, options){     if(this.get('query')){         this.url = this.url + '/' + this.get('query');     }     backbone.sync.call(this, method, model, options);      },    parse: function(model){         return model;     }   });    return com.apress.model.search;   });  

search view:

  define(['jquery', 'backbone'], function($, backbone) {    var com = com || {};   com.apress = com.apress || {};   com.apress.view = com.apress.view || {};    com.apress.view.searchview = backbone.view.extend({   el: '#search',   model: null,   events: {      'click #searchbutton': 'runsearch'      },    initialize:  function(options){     var self = this;      self.model = options.model;   },    runsearch: function(e){     var self = this;         query = $('#searchbox').val();      e.preventdefault();      console.log('run search against  ' +  query);     //force reset     self.model.set('query','', {silent: true});     self.model.set('query', query);   }     });      return com.apress.view.searchview;    }); 

results view:

  define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'handlebars'], function($, backbone,    handlebars) {    var com = com || {};   com.apress = com.apress || {};   com.apress.view = com.apress.view || {};    com.apress.view.resultsview = backbone.view.extend({    el: '#results',    model: null,    template: handlebars.compile($("#timeline-template").html()),    initialize:  function(options){     var self = this;      self.model = options.model;        self.model.fetch({         error: function(e){     self.model.trigger("app:error", {message: 'error     retrieving timeline information'});             },          success: function(e){     self.model.trigger("app:success", {message: 'success       retrieving timeline information'});             }      });      self.listento(self.model,'change', self.render);      self.render();       },      render: function(){     console.log('display now');             var self = this,          output = self.template({tweet: self.model.get('statuses')});          console.log(output);         $.dialog({             'title'       : 'search results',             'content'     : output,             'draggable'   : true,             'overlay'     : true,             'closebutton' : true,             'buttonsalign': 'center',             'keepopened'  : true,             'position'    : {                 'zone'    : 'left'             },             'buttons'     : {                 'ok'     : {                     'action': function(){}                 }             }         });     }      });  return com.apress.view.resultsview;  }); 

app router:

   define(['backbone', 'app/view/resultsview'], function(backbone,      resultsview) {     var com = com || {};     com.apress = com.apress || {};     com.apress.router = com.apress.router || {};     com.apress.router.approuter = backbone.router.extend({       searchmodel : null,      routes: {'search/:query' : 'search'},     initialize:  function(options){      var self = this;      self.searchmodel = options.searchmodel;       self.listento(self.searchmodel,      'change:query',   self.navigatetosearch)      self.searchmodel.on('app:error', function(error){         alert(error.message);     });      },    navigatetosearch: function(model, options){     //manually navigate search url       this.navigate("search/" + model.get('query'), {trigger: true});      },       search: function(query){         var self = this;       console.log('search ' + query);     if(self.searchmodel.get('query') !== query){         self.searchmodel.set('query', query, {silent:true});     }     //now go view      self.searchmodel.fetch(         {                 success: function(model){                 //create results view                 var resultsview = new resultsview({model:model});                },               error: function(e){                   alert('no results available');               }         });      //var resultsview = new          com.apress.view.searchresults({model:searchmodel});   }   });  return com.apress.router.approuter;  });  

main.js(for requirejs):

  require.config({    shim: {     underscore: {         exports: '_'     },     backbone: {         deps: [             'underscore',             'jquery'         ],         exports: 'backbone'     },     handlebars: {         exports: 'handlebars'     },     moment: {         exports: 'moment'     },     dialog: {         exports: 'dialog'     },        },     paths: {     jquery: './vendor/jquery-1.10.2',     backbone: './vendor/backbone',     underscore: './vendor/underscore',     handlebars: './vendor/handlebars',     moment: './vendor/moment',     dialog: './vendor/dialog',   } });  require([ 'backbone', 'app/view/timelineview', 'app/view/profileview',   'app/model/search',  'app/view/searchview', 'app/router/approuter', 'app/util/helpers', ], function (backbone, timelineview, profileview, search, searchview,  approuter) {    var timelineview = new timelineview(),      profileview = new profileview({user: 'evahrikes'}),     searchmodel = new search(),      searchview = new searchview({model: searchmodel}),      approuter = new approuter({searchmodel: searchmodel});     backbone.history.start();      console.log('all ok');   }); 

can me ,please???


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