php - How to remove the top two empty rows in the excel sheet? -

below sample codes. it's may you.. when i'm change row number(1) 5 7 rows empty in excel sheet.(location : setcellvaluebycolumnandrow($col, 1, $field);)

$objphpexcel = new phpexcel();       $objphpexcel->getproperties()->settitle("export")->setdescription("none");       $objphpexcel->setactivesheetindex(0);             $fields = array('ram','one','two');          $col = 0;        foreach ($fields $field)     {         $objphpexcel->getactivesheet()->setcellvaluebycolumnandrow($col, 1, $field);         $col++;     }      header('content-type: text/csv');     header('content-disposition: attachment;filename="export.csv"');     header('cache-control: max-age=0');      $objwriter->save('php://output'); 

$objphpexcel = new phpexcel();   $objphpexcel->getproperties()->settitle("export")->setdescription("none");   $objphpexcel->setactivesheetindex(0);         $field = array('ram','one','two');       $col = 0;    foreach ($fields $field) {   if(empty($field)){     $objphpexcel->getactivesheet()->setcellvaluebycolumnandrow($col, 1,     $field);     $col++;   } }  header('content-type: text/csv'); header('content-disposition: attachment;filename="export.csv"'); header('cache-control: max-age=0');  $objwriter->save('php://output'); 


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