Defining the name of a text/html file like the name of a data.frame in R -

i have data.frame cli_cap_x_prod_ag:

      familia_prd num_cli capital_sol part_cap_per atrasada atr_per                   536     2616925        33.62   467830   17.88       b             151     1613035        20.72   268223   16.63 

when try save file using name of data.frame error:

      print(temp,type = "html", include.rownames = false, file = paste(cli_cap_x_prod_ag,"_tab.html", sep="")) 

because r read elements of cli_cap_x_prod_ag.

any appreciated!

you should store xtables in named list , iterate on list. demo:

library('xtable'); li <- list(t1=xtable(data.frame(a=letters[1:3],b=1:3)),t2=xtable(data.frame(a=letters[4:6],b=4:6))); names(li); ## [1] "t1" "t2" li; ## $t1 ## % latex table generated in r 3.1.3 xtable 1.7-4 package ## % fri jun 19 13:48:30 2015 ## \begin{table}[ht] ## \centering ## \begin{tabular}{rlr} ##   \hline ##  & & b \\ ##   \hline ## 1 & &   1 \\ ##   2 & b &   2 \\ ##   3 & c &   3 \\ ##    \hline ## \end{tabular} ## \end{table} ## ## $t2 ## % latex table generated in r 3.1.3 xtable 1.7-4 package ## % fri jun 19 13:48:30 2015 ## \begin{table}[ht] ## \centering ## \begin{tabular}{rlr} ##   \hline ##  & & b \\ ##   \hline ## 1 & d &   4 \\ ##   2 & e &   5 \\ ##   3 & f &   6 \\ ##    \hline ## \end{tabular} ## \end{table} ## (n in names(li)) print(li[[n]],type='html',include.rownames=f,file=paste0(n,'_tab.html'));'t1_tab.html',pager='cat'); ## <!-- html table generated in r 3.1.3 xtable 1.7-4 package --> ## <!-- fri jun 19 13:48:34 2015 --> ## <table border=1> ## <tr> <th> </th> <th> b </th>  </tr> ##   <tr> <td> </td> <td align="right">   1 </td> </tr> ##   <tr> <td> b </td> <td align="right">   2 </td> </tr> ##   <tr> <td> c </td> <td align="right">   3 </td> </tr> ##    </table> ##'t2_tab.html',pager='cat'); ## <!-- html table generated in r 3.1.3 xtable 1.7-4 package --> ## <!-- fri jun 19 13:48:34 2015 --> ## <table border=1> ## <tr> <th> </th> <th> b </th>  </tr> ##   <tr> <td> d </td> <td align="right">   4 </td> </tr> ##   <tr> <td> e </td> <td align="right">   5 </td> </tr> ##   <tr> <td> f </td> <td align="right">   6 </td> </tr> ##    </table> ## 


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