html - Handsontable fixed column and row option shifting other rows and columns out of position -

i working on project handsontable , whenever enable fixed row , fixed column options rest of grid not aligned properly. problem occurs in visual studio have static html document works fine on. have looked conflicting css formatting in visual studio have not found anything. not it's not there must have missed if is.

i have tried changing number of rows , columns fixed , have tried changing size of cells no avail. upon further inspection noticed grid cells shifted under fixed rows. know how go fixing problem or experienced problem before , solved it?

(i have tried add image new stack exchange , not have reputation yet. have described enough.)

edit: have discovered fixedrowstop option messing formatting if narrows search @ all.

i figured out problem after leaving alone week. still think conflicting css styling, still did not find specific conflictions. team decided wanted different basis layout of page. added line .cshtml document layout = null erase automatically generated basis page , problem fixed.

i'm assuming problem styling _layout.cshtml document automatically had on creation of project , didn't find specific confliction.


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