c# - Unable to modify variables from separate thread -

so i'm making c# app has continuously read , display contents of text file, while allowing user enter text box , append end of file.

i'm doing running read method on separate thread, changing variable stores display text-files contents what's causing problem. tried having method did this, that's not working , gave 'cross-thread-operation-not-valid' error. tried applying code found on msdn, after updating variable once thread ended!

please help.

partial class mainform {     delegate void settextcallback(string text);     public static string msg;     public static string name;     public void initclient()     {         name = "public.txt";         console.writeline(name);         if(!file.exists(name))         {             file.create(name);             file.appendalltext(name, "welcome " + name);         }         thread read = new thread(new threadstart(this.client));         read.start();         while(!read.isalive);     }     public void writetext()     {         file.appendalltext(name, this.inputbox.text);         this.inputbox.clear();     }     private void settext(string text)     {         if (this.output.invokerequired)         {                 settextcallback d = new settextcallback(settext);             this.invoke(d, new object[] { text });         }         else         {             this.output.text = text;         }     }     public void client()     {         msg = file.readalltext(name);         console.writeline(msg);         thread.sleep(300);         this.settext(msg);     } } 

why thread behaving this. how can modify code contents of output box equals of text file.

any suggestions welcome.

you've got multiple problems here,

  • the use of file not thread-safe.
  • your method not repeat
  • your sleep()ing on thread

you can solve of them ditching thread , use simple timer.


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