wpf - C# - How to open a doc with word using arguments -

i want have program open word , specific document, using word example. useful in other situations, i'd know how arguments. have bit of code open program, , code display error message if file path not exist here:

    private void startprocess(string path)     {         processstartinfo startinformation = new processstartinfo();          startinformation.filename = path;          process process = process.start(startinformation);          process.enableraisingevents = true;     }     private void clickfunc(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         if (file.exists(programpath))         {             startprocess(programpath);         }         else         {             messagebox.show("specified path not exist, please try again.", "bad file path error", messageboxbutton.ok);         }     } 

and wondering how add arguments it. thanks!

you can add command line arguments using arguments property of processstartinfo class.

something this:

 processstartinfo startinfo = new processstartinfo("winword");  startinfo.arguments = "/a /b"; 

also can specify command line arguments string in processstartinfo constructor.

check link msdn



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