javascript - how to pass parameters to redirected page? -

i have script work on button click:

 $scope.showdetailsaboutticket = function (pinticket) {         if ($scope.showdetail == false && pinticket != null) {             $scope.pinticket = pinticket;               $http.get(ticketurl + 'getticket/' + $scope.terminalid + '/' + $scope.pinticket)                 .success(function(data, status, headers, config)                  {                      $("#background").addclass("darker");                     $scope.showdetail = true;                     $scope.ticketnotfound = false;                     $"ticketid", pinticket);                   })                 .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {                      $scope.ticketnotfound = true;                     $scope.showdetail = false;                })            .then(ticketdetails, errorresponse);          }      } 

everything works fine.i url :http://localhost:60664/home#?ticketid=8837278738 want when user click on button redirect him sport page can that? tried window.location dont parameters

you should define routes in configuration , should invoke route when user clicks button.

you can use either ng-route or more extended version ui-router.


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