node.js - Node app management complaining about missing start script -

i have node.js app pushing bluemix.

i'm trying use app management feature.

but when push following warning.

   warning: avoid semver ranges starting '>' in engines.node    warning: app management cannot installed because start script cannot found. 

my start script located in procfile @ project root , contains starting project ok.

web: gulp serve:prod

i tried putting start command in package.json still had same warning. how can app management installed?

app management in ibm node.js buildpack supports applications started using node executable js file. example,

node [opts] server.js [args] 

this because many utilities in app management dependent on being able manipulate start command. example, start application inspector enabled, need able set debug port (--debug $port).

due limitation, app management not supported if application uses gulp or similar build automation systems start application.


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