ruby on rails - acts_as_votable using ip address -

i want allow users vote on posts without signing up, , have vote instead tied ip address. tried following this post need more clarification. error im getting posts_controller

undefined method `find_or_create_by_ip' #

this code far:


def upvote      @post = post.find (params[:id])     session[:voting_id] = request.remote_ip     upvote = session.find_or_create_by_ip(session[:voting_id])     @post.upvote     redirect_to :back   end    def downvote       @post = post.find (params[:id])     session[:voting_id] = request.remote_ip     downvote = session.find_or_create_by_ip(session[:voting_id])     @post.downvote     redirect_to :back   end  

session model:

 class session < activerecord::base     acts_as_voter     request.remote_ip end 


rails.application.routes.draw   'static_pages/home'   'static_pages/about'   resources :posts     member        put "like" , to: "posts#upvote"       put "dislike" , to: "posts#downvote"     end   end 

in other post said add ip column sessions table. mean? saw somewhere need create db table well. i? , how that? sorry having post this, put im pretty new this, great if spelled out better me. thanks!

if using rails 4+ dynamic finders have been deprecated , extracted gem. standard find_or_create_by or find_or_initialize_by.

def upvote      @post = post.find (params[:id])     session[:voting_id] = request.remote_ip     upvote = session.find_or_create_by(ip: session[:voting_id])     @post.upvote     redirect_to :back end  def downvote     @post = post.find (params[:id])   session[:voting_id] = request.remote_ip   downvote = session.find_or_create_by(ip: session[:voting_id])   @post.downvote   redirect_to :back end   class session < activerecord::base   acts_as_voter   request.remote_ip end 


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