windows - Looping a batch file that calls another batch file -
my embedded c compiler generates batch file run various build outputs in processor simulator command line. i'd create batch file call auto generated batch file somewhere convenient, , i'd able rerun clicking key want day long.
here's i've tried
cd "c:\foo\project name\settings\" :repeat cls "project name.unit test ouput.cspy.bat" & pause goto repeat
i see output expect batch file, followed a:
press key continue . . .
when press enter script ends , never executes goto. if remove pause statement script ends immediately. if type & goto repeat script still ends immediately.
cding batch file command line, running it, , click arrow , enter want... trying automate tiny bit more.
to run batch file batch file, have use call
statement. if don't, outer batch file end when inner 1 does.
call "project name.unit test ouput.cspy.bat" & pause
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